Why not me asks AIMS Cameroon 2018 top student Maryse Moutamal

“I must prove to the world that it is not only men who do math,” exclaimed Maryse Moutamal, AIMS Cameroon’s Class of 2018 valedictorian. Maryse graduated from AIMS with distinction in all 11 of her classes, requiring a passing grade of 85% or higher. She not only achieved this notable accomplishment, but she completed the […]

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Prof. Neil Turok named an honorary officer of the Order of Canada

The AIMS community congratulates Professor Neil Turok, AIMS Founder and Chair of the International Board of Directors for being named an Honorary Officer of the Order of Canada on 29 June 2018. The Order of Canada was established in 1967 by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. It recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to […]

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AIMS graduates keen to go out and make a difference

“The future belongs to those who not only believe but are prepared to walk into an unknown future choosing hope over fear.” These inspiring words were delivered by Prof. Thuli Mandonsela, Chair in Social Justice in the Law Faculty: Stellenbosch University and member of the AIMS International Board of Directors, at AIMS South Africa’s 15th Graduation […]

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AIMS grows its influence in the African banking sector

As part of AIMS’ push to provide Africa’s private sector the talent and strategic expertise required to improve business systems and profits, AIMS invited the Bank of Africa to its AIMS Industry Initiative Network and Partnership Event (AIINPE) on 12th January 2018. Also in attendance was the Minister of Education of Rwanda, Honorable Dr. Eugene […]

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Twenty-five graduate from first AIMS-ESMT Industry Immersion Program

Twenty-five AIMS students from eight African countries received their certificates for completing the AIMS ESMT Industry Immersion Program (IIP). The students who participated in this 20-week residential and fully- funded business and employability skills program were suitably qualified and industry-inclined AIMS Master’s in Mathematical Sciences graduated across Africa. The backbone of the program was a […]

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AIMS Senegal participation in the Women’s Mathematics Workshop, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Five AIMS Senegal students were selected to participate in the Association des Jeunes Femmes et Mathématiques (AJFM) organized the 2nd edition of its Women’s Mathematics Workshop in Abidjan at the Université Houphouët Boigny with the support of the Mathematics Department. The workshop was a pan-African platform allowing young mathematicians to meet with role models, women breaking ground in the fields […]

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Cameroonian Minister of Secondary Education surprises in service teachers during training

On January 23rd 2018, the Minister of Secondary Education, Mr. Ernest Bibehe surprised the second batch of AIMS Cameroon Teacher Training Program (TTP) trainees from the Anglophone sub-educational system. The second batch consists of 39 men and 11 women. He witnessed their training in how to increase interest in mathematics in their secondary school students. […]

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AIMS South Africa hosts pan-African workshop on the gender gap in mathematical and natural sciences

From 1-2 December 2017, the regional workshop in Africa for the project ‘A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It?’ was hosted at AIMS South Africa. Gender equality and inclusion is of vital importance to the work of AIMS, where 30% of all […]

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AIMS South Africa hosts workshop for African women in discrete mathematics and its applications

AIMS South Africa hosted a workshop on discrete mathematics and its applications on 24 to 26 January 2018 and featured presentations by women on their research in various areas of graph theory, combinatorics, and discrete optimization. The main goals of the workshop were to build a network of African women with common mathematical interests and […]

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AIMS Canada engages the Canadian public on gender equality

Over the past few months, AIMS Canada participated in several public engagement activities. On 18 November 2017, Karen Craggs-Milne, AIMS Global Group Director, Gender Equality, Inclusion and Business Development, was invited to deliver a keynote speech on SDG 5 and targets for achieving Gender Equality during the Peace by Piece 2017 Youth Summit organized by the Toronto YMCA. Over […]

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