AIMS – GSK Statistical Non-Communicable Diseases Internship Program (Second Call for Applications)
The deadline passed and applications are closed now. Thank you for your interest in the AIMS–GSK Statistical Non-Communicable Diseases Internship Program.
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS-NEI) has received funding from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) through its Africa NCD Open Lab to support six twelve-month internships for AIMS graduates over the period 2017 – 2021 to enable AIMS graduates to undertake statistical work in health research groups working in Africa on non-communicable diseases (NCD). The programme will demonstrate the value of employing high-quality statistical expertise in health research in Africa, and contribute to building the pool of expertise able to undertake such work. The programme is part of the Internship and Employment Opportunities pillar of the AIMS Industry Initiative. The programme will be coordinated by the AIMS Next Einstein Initiative Global Secretariat in Rwanda.
Each AIMS-GSK intern will be hosted by a health research group at a public or private institution in East Africa. The intern will work on a project that is fully integrated into the research of the host group and will be mentored by an experienced statistician.The intern will also have a constant contact with the implementation team of Internship Program who will make periodic visits to the group
Applicants for internships should be AIMS graduates with a strong background in statistics who are interested in pursuing careers in health statistics. Female applicants are particularly encouraged to apply.
Funding for each intern will include a monthly stipend, the cost of the intern’s travel at the beginning and end of the internship, health insurance. The costs of hosting the intern, including internal supervision and mentoring, facilities, and research expenses will be borne by the host institution.
Health research groups interested in hosting an AIMS-GSK intern should send an initial expression of interest to AIMS will respond to this and successful discussions will lead to the placing of a project description on the Open AIMS-GSK Opportunities page.
AIMS graduates interested in applying for one of the Open AIMS-GSK Opportunities should click here to complete and submit their application forms with all supporting documents by the deadline shown after the project description. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted to provide contact details of two recent referees.
Applications for each internship will be considered by small committee with members from both AIMS-NEI and the host institution. Successful applicants will be contacted within a month of the deadline.
All inquiries about these internships should be sent to:
Deadline for applications: May 2nd, 2020 at 11:59 PM (EAT).