September 2, 2020

AIMS Teacher Training Program (TTP) Cameroon Launches Maths Online

In 2015, AIMS was challenged to respond to the gaps in the education system pipeline by creating a Teacher Training Program in Cameroon and Rwanda. Launched together with the Mastercard Foundation, the overarching goal of the program is to improve learning outcomes in STEM for young boys and girls and increase the number of African youth who pursue STEM education at the tertiary level.

Through training workshops, high-quality classroom resources and technology-driven Smart Classrooms, TTP is empowering teachers to improve their pedagogy, equipping them to be aware of and counter stereotypes that push girls out of mathematics and science.

In response to the effects of COVID-19, the Teacher Training program has launched an online platform that will enable secondary school students in Cameroon to continue learning remotely. Math Online provides free and easily accessible course work for students of both English and French subsystems, equally offering downloadable lessons.

Since inception, TTP Cameroon has rolled out three four-in-one laboratories with state-of-the-art features including a teaching simulation lab, an interactive classroom and a distance learning classroom. The program equally launched an E-learning platform for online training and a Community of Practice to facilitate interaction between math teachers, researchers, parents and all interested parties.

TTP Cameroon has trained 1024 teachers and 671 student teachers, impacting all 10 regions in Cameroon and reaching 328,778 students, 45% of whom are girls.Visit Maths Online.

Watch the video below to learn more.