AIMS 2014
Using mathematical modelling to improve maternal and child health outcomes in rural communities
Upon completing AIMS, she was a Research Assistant in a prenatal care project (called DocmeUP), implemented by ETH-Zurich in collaboration with AIMS-Ghana for a year. The project is aimed at using mHealth technologies to make health services accessible to pregnant women in rural communities by combining mobile health technology with ultrasound imaging. During this process she was trained as a sonographer. She also travelled to Switzerland, ETH-Zurich, to present on the results from the project which enabled high risk pregnancies to be identified and referred to the next level of care early enough to significantly mitigate negative outcomes for mother and child.
“My dream is to be a biostatistician. AIMS really equipped me for great work in the future”
Through the exposure from this project, Evelyn went on to do an MPhil degree at the Mathematics and Statistics Department of the University of Cape Coast. Her research focused on the development mathematical models and algorithms for segmenting ultrasound images of foetal anatomic structures. She is currently working at a PhD, also in the area of biostatistics, which will commence in 2016.