AIMS Graduation 2014
Helping farmers reduce the impact of seasonal climate risk
After graduating from her studies at AIMS Ghana, Andree participated in an internship in Kenya on statistical modelling using R from August 2014 to February 2015, which was supervised by the NGO, African Math Initiative (AMI). This was followed by another opportunity to intern Ghana. The internship was supervised by AIMS Ghana and the University of Reading, at the Ghana Meteorological Agency from February to June 2015.
“I am grateful to AMS for imparting in me the knowledge and skills needed in realizing my career path. I also thank AIMS for the opportunity of internship which led to my present job”
She is presently working at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) as a Scientific Officer, since July 2015, under a CCAFS project titled “Capacitating African Smallholders with Climate Services and Insurance
Development”. The project aims at support African smallholders and their boundary partners (NHMS, NGOs, CSOs, private sector) with actionable climate advisories, index insurance and integrated climate services that reduce the impact of seasonal climate risk from farm to country levels.
Her main activities include crop modelling, capacity building of the national meteorological agency of Mali with statistical skills, capacity building of extension officers with a new approach, PICSA, to provide climate advisories to farmers.