Monitoring of weather and water levels of Lake Kivu

Monitoring of weather and water levels of Lake Kivu

1.Host Institution:
Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG) | Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL)/Lake Kivu Monitoring Programme (LKMP)- 10th Floor KCT, KN 2 ST, Nyarugenge District, P.O. Box 3855 Kigali, Rwanda. Tel. +(250)787172265 | |;    

 2. Supervisors:
Mr. Gaetan SAKINDI | E-mail:

3. Project Description:
Lake Kivu Monitoring Programme monitors potential impacts of methane extraction on Lake Kivu and its environment. Monitoring weather and lake level should be regularly done and used in inspection activities, reviewing of existing plants as well as for designing new plants. Therefore, LKMP is intending to strengthen its capacity in Monitoring weather and water level on Lake Kivu, in collaboration with competent intern(s).

The purpose of this assignment is to regularly monitor weather and level on Lake Kivu. This project has the following main objectives:

  1. Interact with Meteo Rwanda and concerned stakeholders in evaluation and setting existing meteorological stations of LKMP.
  2. To collect, gather and assess water level elements from LKMP stations and other stations in the region around Lake Kivu.
  3. To collect, gather and assess data of meteorological elements from LKMP Meteo stations and other stations in the region around Lake Kivu.
  4. Gather, analyses and report weather, climate change and lake level data on/around lake Kivu, from 2013 to 2021, on/around lake Kivu.
  5. To advise LKMP on future effective weather and lake level monitoring on Lake Kivu.

4. Expected Outcomes:
At the end of the project, the following outcomes should be available:

  1. A complete and user-friendly database of weather on and around Lake Kivu 2013 – 2021. A complete and user-friendly database of lake Kivu level
  2. Maps and Definition of set up of accessing data of weather and lake levels and weather on and around lake Kivu and related agreements.
  3. Documented procedures of data recovery and processing with related software
  4. Final report of the assignment.

Applications for this internship should be submitted via the online application system, stating clearly the title of the internship.

Deadline for applications: February 28th, 2021 at 11:59 PM Central Africa Time (CAT)