Host Institution: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).
Location: KG 563 ST, P.O. Box 1269, Kacyiru, Kigali, Rwanda.
Supervisors: Dr. Desire M. Kagabo (Ph.D), Scientist, Climate Services for Agriculture, CIAT (The research team from CIAT or CCAFS, IRI, University of Reading working with the Rwanda Climate Services for Agriculture Project will be available to supervise the interns).
Project Description :
This anticipates potential crop simulation applications. One promising option seems to be to disaggregate (in space) NASA POWER solar radiation data, perhaps using remote sensing cloud cover data and elevation (for atmospheric transmissivity).
Applications for this internship should be submitted via the online application system, stating clearly the title of the internship.
Deadline for applications: June 30th, 2018 – 11:59 PM (EAT).
Any inquiries about these internships should be sent to: