As a senior researcher
AIMS Research Centres offer attractive and “tranquil” environments for researchers/lecturers wishing to take time off their routine activities to do quality research. Please contact the AIMS Research Centre you would like to visit for further information. Additionally, through our increasing and exciting research programs such as the Research Chairs Program, you can apply to join the AIMS Research network.
As a postdoctoral fellow or research student
Emerging researchers looking for host institutions in Africa are welcome at our Research Centres. Kindly contact the senior researchers at the various AIMS Research Centres to find out how.
Industry and Donors
AIMS depends uniquely on financial support from public and private sectors. In alignment with our vision to transform Africa through scientific and technological breakthrough, partnership with industry and other funding bodies is a priority to us. Please contact us to support our existing programs or to explore ways in which we can develop new research programs/projects to further our mutual missions. To make a donation for a research kindly use this link..{donation link}
Tell us how
We are excited to hear from you. Please contact us to tell us about how you would like to be involved with research at AIMS.