Analysis of the value of collected and archived climate data in last 10 years

Analysis of the value of collected and archived climate data in last 10 years

1.Host Institution: Rwanda Meteorology Agency, Kigali Rwanda | Email:

2. Supervisors:
(1) Mr Mbati Mugunga Mathieu (
(2) Herve Murenzi (

3. Project Description:

This project will gather data on budget invested only in the collection of weather and climate information up to the level when it is archived as usable data; compute the value of handling these data; inventory the request for climate data that were served; assess the value of these data on the success of implemented projects that these data were requested for; inventory of research/final papers that were conducted and their areas of focus to understand the varieties of its applications; analysis the current practice in climate data collection and handling vis-à-vis the existing global guidelines and regulations.

4. Expected Outcomes:

This project is expected to inform Meteo Rwanda on how much is spent on climate data acquisition and handling; the current gaps and the required improvements; understand how much data have served the purpose and know the areas and domain of application to give more attention; learn the extent to which Meteo Rwanda is meeting international regulations and obligations related to data collection and handling, inform decision markers on the return on investment for weather and climate information in Rwanda.

Applications for this internship should be submitted via the online application system, stating clearly the title of the internship.

Deadline for applications: February 28th, 2021 at 11:59 PM Central Africa Time (CAT)

Any inquiries about these internships should be sent to: